About Me

I grew up and went to school in Swan Hill, country Victoria.  I went to Monash University for my medical degree before working in the Southern Health Network (Monash Medical Centre/Dandenong) as a junior doctor for 3 years.  In 2004 I moved to Bendigo to care for my parent’s house whilst they travelled overseas and took a job on the Maternity Ward at Bendigo Hospital - such began my love of obstetrics, caring for pregnant women and delivering babies.  I gained entry to O&G training at the Royal Womens Hospital the following year and completed junior registrar training several years later, having taken time off to have my own son, Alex, and returning to work part time for 2 years.  During this time I returned to Bendigo for 6 months, this time as the registrar in O&G.  I worked as a Senior Registrar at Box Hill Hospital for 3 more years (having my second baby, Hayley, during this time) to gain my full qualifications as an obstetrician and gynaecologist.  
For 18 months I have been lived and worked in Melbourne.  I had public appointments at the Royal Women's Hospital as an Obstetrician and at Box Hill Hospital as an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.  In these roles I cared for many high risk ladies who were pregnant with twins, or who had other medical issues such as diabetes.  At Box Hill I worked in the antenatal clinic for women with psychosocial issues, such as previous anxiety or depression, alcohol or drug issues, or a bad outcome in a previous pregnancy who needed special care.  This was most rewarding.  I worked as the Obstetrician on call overnight at both hospitals as part of their on call roster.  At Box Hill I was also on call for gynaecological emergencies and did a public operating list once per month.  I really enjoyed working with the trainee doctors who were constantly studying for their exams and asking me tricky questions to keep me researching and up to date.
I was also lucky enough to do a year long locum for another female O&G based in East Melbourne, whilst she was on maternity leave.  This gave me the chance to learn a lot about how private practice works.  I was well supported by an amazing group of other senior female obstetricians in my on call group.  I had to travel to Werribee each week to run a private clinic in order to gather patients as there was already many well known O&Gs in East Melbourne.
The thing I have also learnt during my year with Dr Shah is how little I like city driving and how much my family has missed me due to extended travel times.  This is the main reason we have chosen to return to Bendigo, along with the extra support I will get from having my parents nearby.  As I already have an established working relationship with the Bendigo O&G’s, I have settled in easily.